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On-Line Services

We serve companies who are ready to define a global strategy for their business needs. We have the experience to help you avoid the pitfalls and challenges in partnering with the right company with the right skills to serve your specific needs.

Our Logistic team specializes in:

Freight Audit & Rating:

Not a “one size fits all” – Depending upon the infrastructure, technology and their market; the services offered may not be the best option for your company. We provide a thorough analysis for your market, to align your company with the best in class solutions provider.

Asia Market Entry Strategies:

CHINA STRATEGY – We can walk alongside you and help you develop your China strategy. We can source a broad range of products, as well as work with you to establish your own manufacturing facility.
Our partners have extensive experience and years of expertise in multiple industries, as well as a broad range of locations from the well-established coastal regions to the emerging manufacturing centers in western China.

EXECUTIVE ASIA EXPOSURE TOURS – Understanding the impact of globalization on our world and knowing how to capitalize on the global economy are required of a business leader or business student today. Talking with global leaders, seeing firsthand the impacts of culture, political systems and economic systems on global business and understanding how to apply that knowledge in a business environment are invaluable in developing global business acumen.

Find out more information about our annual trips with Adult MBA students or if you are interested in our customized, periodic trips specifically with executives to multiple countries in Asia.

Contact us for a free consultation at


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