FAQs from visitors browsing our directory
What kind of businesses are listed in your directory?
Our directory includes listings from logistics related businesses. All listings are organized into 19 categories:
- Logistics Service Providers – (3PL)
- Non-Asset Based Logistics Providers
- Customs Brokers and Forwarders
- Freight Brokers
- Freight Transportation
- Equipment Rental, Leasing & Sales
- Shipping and Moving Services
- Courier & Delivery Service
- Public and Contract Warehousing
- Self Storage
- Material Handling Equipment
- Packaging & Shipping Supplies
- Logistics Software
- Pilot Car & Escort Services
- Cash In-Transit (Armored Car) Services
- Crane and Lift Services
- On-Line Services
- Financial Services
- Insurance and Legal Services
- Personal Transportation
What’s the best way to browse the listings?
You can simply browse the categories, but we encourage you to take advantage of our new and improved search feature.
Can I rate and review a business in your directory?
Yes, you can do both. If you are a current or past customer you can rate each listing in our directory on a five star scale. If you’d like to voice your opinion about a particular establishment, simply leave a review under the listing.